Pathfinder: High-Resolution Control-Flow Attacks Exploiting the Conditional Branch Predictor
ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), April 2024.
Hosein Yavarzadeh, Archit Agarwal, Max Christman, Christina Garman, Daniel Genkin, Andrew Kwong, Daniel Moghimi, Deian Stefan, Kazem Taram, Dean Tullsen
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In our prior research, Half&Half ( Paper | Video ), we completely reverse-engineered the intricate details of the conditional branch predictor (CBP) found in modern Intel processors. This involved dissecting the prediction tables, deciphering their indexing and tagging hash functions, examining associativity, size, and delving into the contents of each entry.
Building upon this foundation, our present study, Pathfinder, unveils two innovative side-channel attacks exploiting the CBP:
We demonstrate the implications of these attacks with two case studies: We demonstrate a speculative execution attack against AES that returns intermediate values at multiple steps to recover the AES key. We also steal secret images by capturing the complete control flow of libjpeg routines.
In our prior research, we discovered that the CBP within Modern Intel CPUs exhibits a TAGE-like structure. This entails a local base predictor, solely indexed by the branch address (PC), alongside a series of tagged global predictors. Each global predictor is 4-way set associative and indexed and tagged using a blend of global history geometric lengths (PHR) and the branch address (PC).
Original TAGE uses the Global History Register (GHR) to capture global correlations, updating it with each conditional branch. In contrast, Intel's CBPs employ the Path History Register (PHR), updated only for taken branches of any type. The PHR update involves shifting it left by two bits and XORing a 16-bit branch footprint with the lower 16 bits of the PHR.
To know more about the structure of the CBP within Intel CPUs, please refer to our Half&Half paper.Capturing the PHR is distinct from capturing the runtime control flow of a target program, as the PHR is a complex combination of multiple addresses and target bits for each taken branch. Consequently, we introduce the Pathfinder tool, which, given a PHR outcome and an executable code(containing the victim function), constructs the runtime control flow graph of the victim function.
Pathfinder uses the angr binary analysis tool and an algorithm to identify all potential control flow paths matching the observed PHR values. While it's not guaranteed that there will always be a single path leading to the specific PHR, our extensive analysis has shown that ambiguous results are exceedingly rare due to the PHR’s size and complex update function.
We demonstrate the implications of these attacks with two case studies:
We propose the following mitigations to protect against the attacks outlined in this paper:
We communicated the security findings outlined in the paper to both Intel and AMD in November 2023. Intel has informed other affected hardware/software vendors about the issues. Intel has shared their plans to address the concerns raised in the paper through a Security Announcement, INTEL-2024-04-26-001-Pathfinder. AMD plans to address the concerns raised in the paper through a Security Bulletin, AMD-SB-7015.
Also, we have shared our findings with the Vulnerability Information and Coordination Environment (VINCE) and they have assigned a vulnerability case, Case VU#157097: Class of Attack Primitives Enable Data Exposure on High End Intel CPUs.
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